Good morning. I'm grasping for time here. I don't know if it's the busy week I just finished or the fact that summer is running ahead of me and I can't quite catch up. The garden is a tangle of weeds. The heat is returning after a beautiful week of open windows weather. GG goes back to school on Monday and with that goes all the lazy time spent grilling and eating and talking about what we would do if. I love "ifs". If we had the time, if we had the money.... never a question of if we have the dreams. They're always there.
But it's Sunday morning and I'm reading blogs and baking our weekly granola ration. The house smells of cinnamon and toasting nuts and grains. As busy as we were this week we each got a pedicure and the Lab hit the groomers and returned to us sporting a pink bandanna covered with red strawberries. Don't you know she felt pretty. If she could have shaken her hair around her face she would have.
And as I refill my glass of iced latte I wonder am I just over caffeinated? Is it possible all will get done in a timely fashion and the to do list in my head is just a figment of espresso?
P.S. GG just got up and said for one shining moment she smelled the cinnamon and thought I was baking a pie, then she remembered I don't. Bake pies that is. Sigh.