Monday, September 7, 2009

food not ferns

all of my big plans for the garden this long weekend went to hell. it rained and both myself and my german girl came down with a virus. since we couldn't work outside, we cooked. after drooling, in a lab like fashion, over a leaping frog chicken dish i saw on the 66 Square Feet blog, i followed her trail to Last Night's Dinner and then to Gourmet. i decided to keep it simple and just removed the backbone from the bird, flattened it out and used the marinade from Gourmet magazine. it cooked in about 50 minutes in a 450' oven. throw in a simple butter lettuce salad with garden tomatoes and avocado, and some crunchy garlic bruschetta, it was unbelievably delicious. quite obviously, the manner in which i believe to feed a cold: well. thank you Marie. now we're off to walk the lab (who also loved her bits of the bird)


  1. I must say that the key to the deliciousness was the slices of lemon UNDER the skin... YUM!

  2. Looks yummy. Can't live without lemon!
