Saturday, July 6, 2013

Too Hot To Handle?

Here's how we beat the heat in 93degree Virginia.

Grow succulents.

Or Queen Anne's Lace from seeds that may or may not have come home with us from Monticello last fall.
If you're the Guster, stay inside in the AC.

If you're the neighbors, put in a pool.
And then hope your next door neighbor isn't a blogger who takes pictures of it.
What's your cure for the summertime blues?


  1. Cold water, with a dash of elderflower cordial helps.
    Going somewhere cooler, like home!;-)

    1. If only the birds didn't eat all of my elberberries I could try this myself.

  2. Hello Jane

    Your cat seems to know how to survive summertime. We love the shaded trees in our local park, it is always beautiful.

    Hope your week is special

    1. Shade is a wonderful thing. I need more trees!

  3. I hide inside in the A/C and go shopping on etsy.

    I'm envious of your Queen Anne's Lace. I have every weed one can possibly have but not a single QAL. I've even taken dead flower heads from other places in the neighborhood and waved them around my garden like a magic wand in hopes of laying some seed. But no. Just a lot of vetch, crab grass, ragweed, milkweed, bittersweet, nightshade and little poison ivy.

    1. Must be Monticello magic! I've never been able to grow it before. It's totally taken over a patch of once pretty purple oregano but I don't care.

    2. Ha, so purloined they were!!!

  4. It's been a steam bath this week, hasn't it. Anything that needed doing outside was accomplished in the shade and before the heat really got cooking during the day. After that, lots of indoor stuff in the a/c. (BTW, I don't think there's anything wrong with a bit of 'dead-heading' while one is visiting a garden. I have been known to help 'prune' a rose or two, pocketing the pieces to bring home and root. I will say no more ... Fifth Amendment, you understand.)
    Happy Sunday!

    1. Exactly! I was just trying to help keep the garden pretty.

  5. I'm with Gus, stay in the AC. It's unbearable out there. Frank makes sangria that way he thinks he's still in Spain and it does help. Love your Queen Anne's lace, just this morning as I was dragging Max down the street in already 90 degree weather I passed a house where there was 1, just 1 growing in the strip of grass between the street and the sidewalk, almost plucked it but I didn't. Stay cool.

  6. Oh love your Queen Anne's lace. It was blooming along the interstate on my trip to and from St. Louis this weekend. It was difficult not stopping to pick a bouquet. Love that yours might have come from Mt. Vernon. I do love mysteries. Stay cool...I do think Gus has the right idea. Bonnie

  7. Beware the QAL! Had a lovely patch one year, and then it tried to take over everything. It rivaled the primrose for invasiveness. The good news is that it's easy to spot if you need to pull it out next year.

    Hot and lazy here. xoxo

  8. English summers usually occur on a Tuesday in July hence we are a nation without AC in our homes. Surprisingly for a Sunday its very hot today but the everybody has been indoors watching another rare occurrence - a Brit winning Wimbledon :-)

  9. Central OR has very weird temps-we were in the 50s, then had a week of 100+,
    now back to 80s-and 45 at night! We live at the edge of the high desert, so yeah.

    I miss TX and my long growing season. I have tried to grow moon flowers here for two years-but it's now officially a NO from the local mother nature committee. We have other things that do great here ( roses, wildflowers, peonies, shasta daisies, lavender, etc.) so I really can't complain too much.

    I am going to transplant some of my neighbor's hops so my front yard arbor has SOMETHING growing on it!

    Oh and I keep a pitcher of iced Chai in the fridge during our -much -too-short summer. I'm addicted.
    Add some skim milk and use the aerolatte to whip it and it's better than Starbucks.

  10. Lovely, dreamy summer haze pictures. I've been away from a/c for almost a week and it was a shock to come back to it. Lots of water and seltzer dressed up with lemon and lime. Find shade. Read, books wading. My last dog loved her wading pool.

  11. You know I do not feel much excess heat here in SF, but when things do heat up, or when I travel someplace hot, I like to stay in the shade when I am outside and read beneath a ceiling fan when I'm inside. If in Sicilia, granita granita granita.
