Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Tres exciting to be sunk in a chair, Lab by my side, kittens busy deconstructing the Christmas tree and read your blogs.

Our weekend was fast and furious. The Hai drove down from Connecticut to spend time with us and Mr. Baby.  He's a lean, mean tennis playing machine and as ever he left the men behind in the dust and the women wanting more.

Saturday night was a Holiday party at Cafe Milano in Georgetown.  Food, drink and RayBans for the ladies.

The Plastic Surgery department: they work hard and once a year play even harder.

Sunday we recovered from the unaccustomed glamour by spending the day in pajamas.
The lab spent the day in her bed with a slight fever. I made soup and GG and Lucy put a 1000 points of light on a 5ft tree.

Those Ray Bans have come in handy.

And Gus you ask? He must have partied a little hearty his own self for he was in hiding most of the day.

We've asked Santa for a teeny pair of sunglasses for him too.

Me thinks he's only just begun to party.

xo Jane


  1. Is Gus hiding in a tennis racket cover? A vacuum cleaner bag?
    GG has lovely arms.
    I'm waiting for the tree lighting.

    1. Just one of the many bags we got to carry all the loot home in.

      A lotta loot. I got a weight bench??? Still won't get me arms as nice as GG's.

  2. Love the photo of Lucy sitting on the stool supervising the tree!

  3. Love the hidden kitten and the chaired kitten too. I can see mischief in the making . . .

  4. Can't wait to see Gus in Ray Bans, if Santa is obliging! x

  5. I'm wondering how the kittens are coping with all those twinkling lights. So cute hiding in the bag! xx

  6. Lucy looks like she's patiently waiting until you trim the tree so that she can help untrim the tree...maybe while you're away she'll surprise you!

  7. Have the kitties climbed the tree yet? Gus would make a nice treetop ornament.

    Those plastic surgeons sure know how to have a good time!

    1. I hope I don't accidentally "place" him on the tree top.

      he'd sing quite a carol:-)

  8. The addition of kittens to the family two years ago is why our fancy shiny 'glass' tree ornaments are actually plastic. Both Christmases, Alice and Dorothy did what they could to undecorate the tree from the top upwards and scatter the ornaments throughout the house, to be found underneath most pieces of skirted furniture we own. This year, now that they are 2 1/2 years old, I am thinking that I can pull out the tub of pretty glass ornaments again and give it a go. If I'm brave enough to do this, I will definitely still have plastic on the lower limbs ... just in case. (Love the photo of the kitties sleeping all wound around each other!!)

  9. ... meant to say that the kitties undecorate the tree from the BOTTOM ... though doing it from the top upward is probably more likely their plan ... they just haven't figured out how to accomplish it yet.

    1. jajaja. We only have a few paper ornaments on the bottom of the tree. I go to work, they take them off. I come home from work and hang them back up.
      Holiday fun with kittens!

  10. Party weekend eh? GG looks lovely as usual especially in the "don't bother me I'm a star" glasses. What a nice perfect little tree, until those kitties get to it, they're plotting you know.

    1. They're starting to take the lights off the bottom branches. The little angels.

  11. Any party one must recuperate from is most definitely a good party!!! We have a sweetie with a fever? I hope all is well. I hope you week is going well.

  12. LOVE the kitty hangover cave!! Think there could be a market for human ones this time of year!

    Looks like you are having fun chez vous! xx

  13. I liked Cafe Milano. I know. We've had this conversation.

  14. Looks like quite the party. GG looks wonderful. Hope you all have the bestest christmas!
