Monday, October 8, 2012

So Long Farewell, I Hate To Say Goodbye

Two days of chilly, rainy weather. Halleluiah. Garden remains unattended, by me, GG mowed on Saturday before the rains came.

After early Sunday morning at the gym with trainer, we met Tini and Mr. Baby for coffee.  Both were cruising on only 3 hours sleep.  He was absolutely giddiness with happiness at waking up in the car to find his aunties clustered around him cooing and snapping pics with Instagram. The baby mama was a bit dazed but happy to be sporting a pair of jeans. Real jeans, BE,before Emil jeans.

She reluctantly listened to the tip from my trainer and cut down on sugar. It's working. The same for me. Jeans are zipping up and staying up. I've lost 2 pounds.

I also listen when she tells me a serving of quinoa is only 1/4 of a cup.

I've just made my first batch of baked oatmeal and I added some walnuts and pistaschios and cut down on the dried fruit, 1/4 of a cup and the sweetening agent, in this case maple syrup, to 1/8 of a cup.  It's plenty sweet, but now with a little crunch from the nuts.

We brought Mr. Baby and the svelte Tini home to visit with the kittens.

And visit they did.

In between pictures he speed crawled after them.  Gus got a taste of the medicine he doles out to Nika daily.

And appeared estatic to see them go.

Continuing my daily exercise, I might have to go out for a brisk walk and end up at the mall.

If you have any questions, Gus will be manning the phones.

xo Jane


  1. Replies
    1. That's dry but I find it works pretty well as a cooked guide also.

      I try to fill up more with vegetables and protein.

  2. I just spent the loveliest half hour catching up on things in your end of Virginia. The kittens have grown so much, as has the sweet baby. You have succeeded in making me hungry, and I think dinner tonight will be some sort of stew ... or soup ... something simmered in a pot ... nothing else will do on a day like today.

    Alice and Ruby are here with me, and they send their greetings to your critters.

  3. Gus seems perfectly happy manning the Have a wonderful week!

  4. I like quinoa too, nice,you have give me and idea for my lunch :)

  5. Your home always seems filled with warmth and love.

  6. Oh I wish GG had come over our way. Our grass needs cutting too! The rains came so it will be awhile. Those cats are crazy and Emil is gorgeous. Sinead x

  7. Do you have a cat obsession or what ?

    1. If this is my friend Susan, sorry, apparently I do. But you know I love you more.

      If this is not Susan, yeah I do. And?

  8. Babies and kittens - dangerous but sweet! I'm with Jen on the feeling your home has.....

  9. You have such self control, impressive! I don't think Mr. Baby needs coffee.

  10. Svelte, huh....guess I can add the sugar back into my life! :-))

    1. I said svelte, not black bandage dress skinny. Are we too obsessed with the Mr. Baby do you think?

  11. I have SUCH a sweet tooth, and even tho I don't eat junk food-I make all the goodies my family likes-for me, it's torture in the fall/winter NOT to bake...I know I should cut back. Impressed that you are doing so.
    Will give it another go :)

    PS-That baby and those animals? Cute overload!

  12. Those kitties still look like they're trouble with a capital T :o)

  13. Oh that darling baby looks so busy...I love that age when they think speed crawling and chasing kitties is their "job" and boy...he looks good at it.

  14. Cute post and photos :)) Hope you're well Jane !
