Monday, October 24, 2011

Let's Get It Started!

I have just realized the last Monday in October is Halloween! It will also be my first Monday in a million years without a cigarette. So, let's do this one up right: Flowers In The House Of Goth.

Think of all the possibilities.  Freaky little Halloween themed bouquets.  Your front stoop, loaded with pumpkins or covered in spiders hanging off cobwebs. Maybe a picture of your dog dressed up as a witch- or a flapper, who cares? It's Halloween.

This will be the Monday that anything goes. Add some spooky noises to your post.  Put lipstick on a pig. Paint a mum plant black and cover it with glitter.

If you've never joined us before, be brave. You can wear a costume, we won't judge.  If you do it every month, thank you, now join us again.

Trick or treat.  We're coming to your house.  Better get your boos on and have the chocolate ready.  I'm going to be hungry:)


  1. You've thrown the spooky gauntlet down fo sho!! (To mix my medieval and modern!). look forward to the scary flowers! x

  2. I might try the 'paint a mum black' number! xo

  3. YOU'RE ON, soon-to-be ex-smoker! Flowers to honor your cleaner lungs, fresher breath and whiter teeth. Wouldn't miss it.

  4. I'll do anything for you, Supergirl!

  5. Beautiful flowers.
    Congratulations not smoking. I’m a former smoker so I know just how big a life stresser it can be.


  6. Here is to a smoke free Monday. It would take me all week to come up with something.

  7. Gill, Yippee!

    Belinda, I knew you'd pick up said gauntlet sista.

    Sherri B.,Do it, We'd love to see it.

    Steve, Bring it on bro. And thanks for making non smoking sound so delicious:)

    Shelley, Yay, I'm going to be SuperCrazyGirl.

    Cindy, I like the sound of former. Good to know it can be done1

    Bonnie, Thank you. And what luck you have a week:)

    Sharon, Can't wait!

  8. This is way outside my comfort level, but isn't that what life is all about? I'm in ... i think!

  9. Sounds fun.. will be ready to send some spooky flowery ness from England! X

  10. I'm giving my usual staunch MAYBE, CHAOS PERMITTING commitment here, already disadvantaged by not actually owning a pig.

  11. yay!!! Congratulations and your flowers are so gorgeous as always.

  12. Can't promise I'll have flowers (or anything else, for that matter) to post on Monday, but I'll try. Just wanted to say congrats on quitting. Did it myself 15 years ago and it is far and away the best thing I ever did for myself. So YAY for you, Jane! YAY, YAY, YAY!!! Karin

  13. Halloween only arrived this side of the world recently, but my Canadian roots have persisted - which means sometimes having to carve green squashes instead of orange pumpkins- but they still look pretty scary!
    See you on Monday- x

  14. Congrats on your first Monday in October. Now don't think about it and just keep going, I did it after 20 years of smoking so it can't be that damn hard. Now I'm off to get lipstick for my dog since I don't own a pig...yet.

  15. I hope to participate Jane, but if I don't it won't be because you haven't written a really appealing and fun invite here.
