Friday, August 12, 2011

The List Of Lovely

I must be off quickly....spending too much morning time at the computer and not in the shower.  Oh when will they make a waterproof computer..

But for the very few gardeners or just lovers of flowers who might not read Wild Acre, I give you Belinda's List.

A grower of all that is fine and lovely and according to said list easy and indestructible.

Off to England with you then.  I'm off to shower.

You'll thank me.


  1. I love these but I have mad allergies something about this flower...

  2. Have a great weekend...I'm off to Wild Acres!

  3. thanks, belinda is the best. her home, garden, photography and flower know how is amazing. xoxo

  4. I love Belinda's blog, and am green with envy over her alliums!!
    Have a great weekend!

  5. Hi Jane,

    I am off the Wild Acre! You know you can put a plastic bag over your laptop!!!

    Happy weekend,

    Madelief x

  6. What a sight! those Allium with the faintly lavender grasses. Brilliant!

  7. Awww Jane I'm so glad you liked the post! It took a while to put together so I'm delighted to have it re-blogged, thanks so much for the kind words. xx

  8. Off to England, and I don't even have to fly. Love the purple fuzzies which I now know are Alliums because you have so many knowledgeable commenters.

  9. You are so funny, waterproof computer! made me chuckle :)

    Yes this is a post I will be going back to time and time again, have a lovely weekend x
