Wednesday, February 23, 2011

With The Greatest Of Ease

I held the ladder.  Does that count as helping?


  1. You clearly are a born supervisor!! Brilliant. Sinead x

  2. I would say that keeping me from breaking my stubborn neck is helping!!!

  3. I love the picture of her with her leg hanging off the roof! You might have helped "a little"...go get those chocolate covered pretzels!

    Imitrex isn't working! I'm going to break the migraine rules and have a drink soon!

  4. Absolutely! How would GG have gotten up or down if not for your holding the ladder. Clearly you had the KEY job. Got chocolate, yet? xo

  5. I do believe that it is a strict safety rule that you Must have someone hold the ladder.

  6. Yah, that first image makes me very nervous.

  7. Course the fashionista in me cant see the plight I see only the boots ! Love em girl!!!lol Had mine on Saturday.

  8. 'Footing' a ladder is a Very Important Job!

  9. Are you sure you were holding the ladder with BOTH hands while you took the photos?

  10. Sinead, why yes I am. thank you for recognizing this quality. I am not bossy or afraid of heights.

    GG, Who knew. I thought we were talking about calling a roofer, not calling you a roofer:) Thank you. xo

    Sarah, she ate them all, WHILE reading the no chocolate post!!!! Still,she did fix the roof....think i'll keep her around.
    How about Treximet?

    Webb, That's right, feeling better and braver by the moment. Found HUGE bar at work. Ate piece. Felt peace.

    Sherri B., Now I'm feeling important!

    Denise, Yup, me too. Not for me such things. i'll cook a nice appreciation dinner though!

    Comeca, I know, I thought it was the perfect roofers touch. And they sound good on the wood floors.

    Rachel. Now I'm A VIP with a VIJ> Excellent.

    Mise, Um, no, both hands? Nobody told me,,, guess i won't be invited up on the shed now?

  11. jane,

    Geez I have a wonderful lollapuluza of your recent posts to read and I am very happy! I am so sorry about your chocolate plight! That is downright dreadful.

  12. German Girl totally ROCKS, man!!

  13. Okay GG, have you done roofing before? You look like a pro up there. I have put off redoing my roof for the last three years and am seriously considering doing it myself (well, the bf will help, and by help I don't mean holding the ladder, *ahem*) - what do you think? Can we handle it? If you ever decide that you and Jane would like a "working" vacation at the beach in NC, give me a call (we could use your expertise!!)

  14. yes i do believe it counts jane b/c i'm v experienced in holding ladders and someone told me it it does.


  15. Holding the ladder is a very important (yet discounted) part of the job. And it's hard work too!
