Monday, April 27, 2015

We Never Go Out Of Style

Latest review from the world of innkeeping:

"Beautiful neighborhood and beautiful cozy home. If you've watched The Holiday, think of Iris Simplins' cottage. Very close to bus stops and metro stations. Overall great experience and great time."

My favorite Hollywood house! Score 1 for smallbutcharming, 0 for Gus and Lucy this time.

My turn to smirk.

Quite honestly it is not a beautiful neighborhood, it's a little shabby.( But hey,  at least the RV is gone from down the street).

I guess its  heart and soul shines through.

Though today was a day to try the patience of anyone with a soul.

Carlos was going to reattach a piece of lattice that had come down in February on my back deck when the winds were gusting at 35 miles an hour. It had only gone up in November so I was eagerly looking forward to summer when it would be covered with grapevine, birds eating grapes and cats trying to catch birds.

What should have been a 20 minute project according to the boss became an all day affair requiring 3 trips to Home Depots, a lumber store, breakfast, lunch and a tank of gas.

Oh and a new drill bit for Senor and whatever else the hell he wanted.

Anything that could go wrong did go wrong and finally there we were in the parking lot of the final Home Depot where I was laughing so hard I was crying.

And the installment process hasn't even begun yet.

This is gonna take all week. And Thai food.

I may be unlucky in the choice of deck refinishers/trellis installers, but I sure am lucky in friends.

In real time and in IT time.

I just read this beautiful piece by Denise at chezdanisse tonight and it got me thinking.

Is it true no one reads blogs anymore?

I don't believe that judging from the number of pageviews I get and I'm not offering anything of much consequence.

Or teak chairs like Marie.

But I don't want blogging to go out of style like a pet rock or  scrunchies.

So I'll keep reading if you keep writing and vice versa.



  1. Oh, please keep 'em coming,Jane! I know I keep saying I'll get back to my neglected blog and I will.When things calm down. Apart from being somewhat hampered by a shoulder injury (yes, I can manage the keyboard, but other things take so much more time.Think: Joseph Heller and "Catch 22") I've just had The Man in hospital with pneumonia. Home now and I'm wearing the Nursey hat...
    But I do miss some of my old blogging buddies who seem to have shut shop.

    1. Ayyiyi, a shoulder injury. Mine twinges in sympathy, wait mine twinges from too much gardening.

      Sounds like your plate is pretty full. Glad you have time to read!

  2. Please keep blogging.

  3. I don't have a blog, but I do enjoy reading yours. Sorry it's a one way street!

    1. Not at all, I appreciate the reading. Thank you.

  4. I have just gone back and read your post twice over to show Willing and support the Continuation of Blogging.

    1. I know, I followed your DNA trail and I see you went to visit Denise too.

      You're a comfort in such times.

  5. Good Morning! You always put one line in your posts that cracks me up every single time. I can hear you outloud saying "and whatever the hell else he wanted." Maybe he's just waiting for the Thai food?

    I don't want blogging to go away either. I would feel a huge void if all my favorite people just one day disappeared. Don't disappear. :)

    1. Oh I won't, you either. It's always so weird when that happens. Pouf.

      At the rate we're getting work done here I'm going to have to take Carlos to Thailand!

  6. Yes, we do still read blogs so please don't stop writing.

  7. I guess if there is Thai food involved, this process of putting a new lattice is not THAT bad...

    And please keep writing your blog!! How would I keep up with the excitement of the hood without it?

    xoxo Elle

    PS: Have I listened too much to Taylor Swift in my room that you kinda quote her songs now? I will have "Style" stuck in my head for a while thanks to you...

    1. Only fair, clearly you filled some empty space in my head with it.

      No one knows like you do how anyone in the hood will do anything for Thai food.

      We're funny like that!

  8. until you write that book, keep blogging to demonstrate what honest (and funny) writing looks like!!

    1. Okey dokey, but still waiting for suggestion on book content from you!

  9. i look forward to your posts after work - it is my down time! Lisa

    1. Well I can't mess with your relaxation can I? Thank you. I'm a morning reader, get up extra so I can sip my latte and read all about it.

  10. That review is so sweet, and spot-on I'm sure. I think what you say about the soul of a place is so apt. I just read Denise's lovely, meditative piece. I still read blogs, though not many. However I am attached to the ones I do, and would miss them dearly if they were gone.

    1. Me too, I guess this is a prayer to the gods of blogging that my favorites ones don't just drift away into IG land. Though we are both big offenders that way...

      Bring back Steve!!

      Thank god we still have Marie, she's the leader of the pack.

    2. She really is--I so enjoy checking in with her daily. I miss Steve too. Thank goodness he's in ig.

  11. I hear all the cool kids are on Snapchat, but being a cool kid is so overrated. I'm still reading. You make me, and clearly many others, smile, and I think that's a big fat deal! Blog on!

    1. Hey, you started it . I'll show you mine if you show me yours:-)

  12. I had to look it up, so small but charming :) My friend's daughter started a blog and recently said no one reads them anymore. Either way, it's a bit of an outlet for us don't you think? I used to read a lot more but some became very self important so I stopped but there are those I would miss tremendously, yours is one of them. I miss Steve.

    1. Oh my God I know, I keep hoping he'll pop back up one day.

      No, I'm sure he will. It's just so hard to get started again once you've stopped.

      Fingers crossed xxx

  13. Deal! Please don't disappear - we love your blog,

  14. Yours is one of my favorite blogs. As long as you write, I'll be reading!

  15. Perhaps it's the heart and soul of the "innkeeper-ess" that is so appealing ...

    Still love reading your blog - and many others - altho lately i haven;t been able to do it daily, as I would prefer. And, posting is a lost art for me. Am promising to do better starting in June. Keep writing, Girl. You often make my day.

  16. Not so many people read mine anymore, and I don't help by slacking either.... But one of these days there will be news, I hope, and my small but drama-loving readership may come back out of the shadows again. Meantime, keep blogging, and don't dare think of slowing down! x
