Tuesday, May 29, 2012

And The Beat Goes On.

I know, I know, you would think I would have all the time in the world while lolling about with this sprained ankle.

But no, aside from staying home on Wednesday (actually taking a cab to work on Wednesday then being scolded and sent home with the driver by my workmates), life has carried on as usual.

Weddings, ankle up, planting urns inside and out on site ankle up, standing in one spot at work designing designing, then ankle up. No stairs though, okay only once or twice a day. Oh and then hobbling home and ankle up. Up with ice?  Heaven. Unfortunately I visit heaven too infrequently and as temperatures have risen into the 90's so has my cranky level. Though I have not yet become what we refer to as work as a BOB (big ole bitch). Well, only once and then I apologized to GG. Profusely.

So no zumba, no gardening, no walking to work, no nothing.  Except we did have our annual Memorial Day party. Apparently cleaning, cooking, fluffing house and garden are acceptable behavior with a sprained ankle.  But I laughed so much and the company was so appreciative and the food so delicious it was worth every Advil.

Next up: the food.

And the garden?  looks like it's doing fine without me.


  1. I am so sorry! It's no fun having a bad foot huh?!
    3 months later and I'm still hobbling around.
    Rest rest and stay off it!
    Enjoy the down time. :)

    1. Ohhh Sarah, did you sprain or break? 3 months? Please God no!

  2. Oh no, so sorry! I know how painful that it.
    Glad your humor is intact. Look forward to hearing about the food.

    1. If we're not laughing we're crying ( or bitching) right?

      Have to download food pic, hope they're yummy looking.

  3. All jokes aside, you do need to try and rest it ! But the garden is looking lovely as you say. Those hydrangeas look gorgeous Jane.
    Amanda xx

  4. Sorry to hear about your ankle. It must be inconvenient. I seems like you find it difficult to just sit, heal and get well. That is hard for an active person to adjust. I love the expression "BOB" I will be using that hee hee


    1. If I have a good book I can sit for hours. Unfortunately I don't have a good one....

  5. Oh no. What did you do?

    Love and laughter, are quite the perfect painkillers.

    Looking forward to the food.

    1. Oh God, running down the stairs at work, then stepping in a hole in my back yard, waling up a hill sideways all this in flipflops with no support. Constantly tweaking my ankle until kaboom it went.

      The food is a much better story:-)

  6. I hope you ankle heals quickly and you are up and doing everything you want. Bonnie

  7. Ugh, sprained ankles are the worst, you can't stay off your foot and it takes forever to heal unless you do. The old catch-22. Glad you had a fun weekend, hydrangaes already? It's this heat. Food please!

    1. OMG the heat, can't be good for the garden or my foot. But right this moment it's raining. Heavenly.

  8. It is such a pain not to be able to get around in one's typical fashion. Laughter and delicious food always help. Take it slow.

    1. Ah, you know. At least I didn't have to go to the ER and get insulted and a shot!


  9. So sorry about your ankle. I'm sure it's so hard to be idle, but try reminding yourself that you'll heal quicker if can manage it. A little break from zumba and the gym and a little down time letting GG pamper you can't be too bad, can it? Try reading a little Vita Sackville West and dreaming of Sissinghurst! Visions of the icy cool white garden should soothe both your soul and your ankle.

    1. Best suggestion yet. Thank you, I'll try just that.

  10. Oh so sorry about the ankle. Nothing is more inconvenient than that! Hope it heals quickly, altho I am guessing that you are pushing the envelope on activity. i know, i know.

    Garden looks great! Wonder what June has in mind for us? talk soon!

  11. I submit in consolation that although I have not, By The Grace of God, sprained an ankle, I too have done no zumba, no gardening, no walking to work, no nothing. A few toffees would be even more consoling, I suppose. Best wishes to you, Wounded Comrade. xxx

    1. Perhaps a tiny bite of fudge? I could just about rouse my head off the pillow.....

  12. Public apology noted and accepted ;-)

    It's 10 pm... time for ice and bed!


  13. GI Jane by the sounds of it! Food sounds amazing as always. Sinead x

  14. I think we could come up with a waaaay more adventurous story for the injury...everyone would completely believe it. (I know I would.) Get rest. Eat the fudge. Looking forward to the food.
