Sunday, March 7, 2010

In Spring

Heaven is working in the garden. We raked and weeded and trimmed back and unearthed and pondered ."What is that plant, did we put it there?" We've concluded the squirrels did it. While we were snowed in cooking and reading and baking, the squirrels were hard at work rearranging the garden.

In spite of their best efforts the hellobores and snowdrops are blooming away. Peonies are thrusting up from the ground, the forsythia is covered in buds. And in spring , even a dandelion is beautiful.


  1. My favorite flowers come from bulbs. I wish I had a place to garden. I would grow tomatoes, zinnias, and squash. They seem pretty doable.

  2. so lovely! I am ready for spring.

  3. hooray! your garden is the loveliest!

  4. I'm so jealous. You're a couple of weeks ahead of me - only the hellebores are blooming so far - not a bulb in sight! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Nicole, I'll plant 'em you paint them. love the new look of your blog.

    Passport in my pocket, Thank you for the comment and for visiting. I hate possums, but I really enjoyed your blog.

    Katie, Hopefully we'll be having dinner there soon! Somewhere between the cold and the HOT weather.

    Webb, We hope we didn't start the clean up too soon. Afraid we'll wake up tomorrow with a foot of snow dumped on us.
